It was a great experience for Munshi Jahangir Zinnat, our Chairman and Unique Soft BD. On February 16, 2015 visited (unofficially) Divisional Commissioner at Unique Soft BD, also attained Deputy Commissioner Mahmud Hossain, Additional Deputy Commissioner (General) Majedur Rahman, Additional Deputy Commissioner (Tax) Hemayet Hossain, Upozilla Nirbahi Officer Shahinuzzaman, Union Chairman Saiful Islam and many more high profiled people.
Our Chairman Munshi Jahangir Zinnat through a presentation on Freelancing, how its work, how we can make people employed via Freelancing, how much possible to earn via freelancing etc.
Our Chairman also shared problems of freelancing from Bangladesh, also what problems facing Meherpur freelancers and how can solve all these.
Divisional Commissioner assured that he will try to solve all these and invited Munshi Jahangir Zinnat to go Khulna in his office and spread news of freelancing and attain training.
Be noted: Munshi Jahangir Zinnat went to Khulna few months later and attained 6 seminars there.